Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction which promotes health and healing. During a reiki session the practitioner places his or her hands gently on the client's body and channels energy into the client, activating the client's own energetic healing response. The word "reiki" (ray-key) means "Universal Life Force." It refers to the same energy often referenced in other traditions, such as Qi or Prana. There are numerous studies on the health benefits of mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation. Reiki is a powerful tool for obtaining a deeper level of relaxation, bringing about the well-documented benefits.
During our reiki sessions clients lie on their back (or other comfortable position). Lights are generally turned low and peaceful music is played to promote relaxation. The client may choose to close his or her eyes. The practitioner generally starts at the head placing his or her hands gently on non-invasive energy centers throughout the body including the crown of the head, sides of the head, cupped over the eyes, gently cradling the client's head in the practitioner's hands, cupping around the chin, on the chest, abdomen, lower thighs, and ankles. If there is a particular physical complaint the practitioner may also place hands on that area of the body (for example, the knees).
Clients report a variety of different feelings and experiences during a reiki session. Most clients feel a sense of peace and deep relaxation. Many will fall asleep during the session. Clients have reported feeling a tingling sensation in their body, heaviness in their limbs, or a light "floaty" feeling. Reiki is completely non-invasive and is available to people of all ages and health conditions.
Please call our office at 847-818-0674 to inquire about appointment availability.